The pages relevant to the documentation and to the history of the techniques such as photography, kiting, stereophotographie, etc are put together here.
Often these techniques have crossed by, one making progress to the other for combined applications such as kite aerial photography.

Over the years I had the opportunities to collect a fair number of documents. For the newbies these are difficult to find out. These pages are here for help in this search. I have tried to describe these works. In addition there is my personal feeling. So I express the crush that I have!

Only books and items that I hold are described and also works which can be read online or downloaded.

To celebrate the 10 years of this site open 8th of May 2002, some old kiting and kap books of my library have been scanned and can be downloaded. They can be found only on this site.  Checked those marked  ¤
The books which can be read and/or downloaded on internet. are marked  ¤.

Recent books, CD-Roms, and DVD are available in shops. For those difficult to get in shops, look at or see second hand shops.


 These pages are not stating the chronological history of these techniques. They describe historic facts or enlighted some touch of these techniques particular or historical.  
These recallings of the past of the techniques lead us to the reading of works of those times. The selections from the bibliography of this site will help searching and consulting.
The research on the history of the techniques is interesting because it inulectably to the fundamentals of the techniques and to the observation of the phenomenons.
Several old books really deserve to be interested in.
This section is just started.  Several topics are being prepared.
 If you know other books, not listed herewith, and which indeniably worth interest, thanks to let me know!


If you have an opinion, same or different, please sent it by mail.