74 pages, 15x21cm , soft cover, in French
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The first book on aerial
kite photography, by Arthur BATUT, published in 1890,
in french.
In reality, it is also the first
practical guide on this matter. Everything is there: the
kite, the photographic equipment, the suspension... the
operating procedure, the ideas to pursue, some suggestions...
The most surprising is that Arthur
Batut got this idea in 1888, reading the Gaston Tissandier
's book published in 1886 " La Photographie
en Ballon " describing aerial photography from
The very first page of this small
book is a B&W picture 10x14cm of Labruguière,
taken march 29th, 1889, one year after the inspired idea.
Among all the practical advises
that Arthur Batut has explained without restraint,
mention the technique consisting of walking downwind before
the shutter release to stabilize the camera. We are many
to do it when wind is irregular.
Moreover, let's give honor to the noble heart
of Arthur Batut who has the will to disclose and broadcast
this technique, and give all instructions to succeed, without
holding back any tip, and without wishing to draw any personal
profit or some glory. This is, in my opinion, the true pionner
spirit of aerophotography, that many kapers continue still today
for the good fortune of all us.
Click here to see a higher image
definition of the book
cover, 234 Ko
Click here for a high definition
of the photography Labruguière,
1570 Ko