82pages, 21x21cm, hard cover
ISBN 85-905240-1-9 |
The traditional Brazilian
fighting kite
Book, written by Esequiel de Souza
published in March 2005
What an easy book. First an introduction
on the different types of Brazilian fighting kites and a
short description on the flight.
Then there are the plans and the
description of 25 models, each with a nice photograph .
They are all beautifully decorated.
It is colorful as expected. I personally
find that the background of the pictures which is a color
patchwork of kites is not showing the kites to their best.
I would have preferred background as uniform color
or the patchwork to be very light.
On the last page we find
a picture of the author and a brief on his biography. I
would have liked a photograph of him on the field and may
be of other kiters and flying kites.
An interesting book anyway.