13 pages, format 21x 29,7cm paper cover,
helix metal binding,


  A small booklet, written by Raoul FOSSET in 1994, published by DRACHEN FOUNDATION, and re-printed by kiteaerialphotography.net under the authority of webmaster Peter BULTS.
  It's a good summary of the kap technique. The biography of Raoul is very interesting , and , only for that, if you don't know this great man of the Belgium and world wide kite community, you should read this booklet.
  The plans of the rokkaku and of the delta are classic, but given the excellence of kites built by Raoul, they are considered to be followed exactly. The pull developped by a rokkaku 2,4 x 1,8m with a 9 m/s (20mph) wind is a bit overestimated. Far from 50Kg (100Lbs) a pull of 16 Kg is more realistic. Raoul can scold the kiters who have give him this wrong information.
 Go quickly through the 3 pages on the rigs, and check carefully the other paragraphs where you may find the good tip, or the detail you were missing for kap success.