32 pages, 22x22cm, soft cover, no ISBN, published February 2007.


A Dutch book, illustrated by GERCO DE RUIJTER,
and written by JOYCE ROODNAT.
Most of the 16 color pictures are 1/2.3 or 1/2.5 size. There are 4 double page pictures including the cover. It's all faint tints ranging from pale to dark greens, cyan touches, usually fading with grey of earth and ochre of low sunlight on the plants. You understand that it's all photographs of landscape or hovering grounds. These Netherlands areas are flat, the ground is almost at the same level as water. So the light is mainly oblique and is well rendering all details by the play of the shades of the grass and with the shadows of the trees. It also combines with the color patterns and composition of the ground differences to give these photographs a real a real strength. Great and successful photograph work
I can't report on the text, and I it seems there are no details on his kap technique and equipment. In this way, the unaware reader is left amazed.