A Japanese book
written by Katsutaka MUROOKA
The title is
Kite photo, tezukuri ginko eisei, tako-ni yoru chijo tansa
which can be translated by:
Kite photo, satellite hold by hand, for the observation of earth with a kite.
Firstly, 5 pages of color pictures, then a Japanese text, very dense, with few drawings, all B&W. It seems that all subjects of  kap are dealt with, but also, many descriptions of kites, even some useless for kap.
Katsutaka MUROOKA, the active president of Japan Kite Aerial Photography Association has revealed a lot of his personal experience, and there are many biographic facts in this book.
224 pages 13x19cm, published in 1989
ISBN 4-87188-051-6 C0072